In 2021, the German machine tool industry exported machinery (including parts and services) worth €972 million (up 12 percent year-on-year) to the United States. The country thus represents the most important sales market after China. The USA accounts for 12.1 percent of all German exports. In 2020, the figure was still 12.5 percent.
Cutting machine tools dominate US production
The US itself produced machine tools as well as parts and services with a total value of 6.35 billion euros in 2021 (up 39 percent from the previous year). This makes the country the fourth largest producer in the world. The global market share in production is 8.5 percent (global production in 2021: 74.8 billion euros). At around 77 percent (4.89 billion euros), metal-cutting and metal-removing machine tools account for the lion's share of U.S. production. Forming machine tools accounted for a much smaller share of total production at 23 percent (1.46 billion euros).
Export hit forming technology
US machine tool export volume in 2021 was approximately 2.44 billion euros (up 21 percent from the previous year). This meant that almost 40 percent of domestic production was destined for sale to foreign countries. The export share for forming machine tools was 46 percent, or 44 million euros, significantly larger than for metal-cutting machines at 19 percent, or 108 million euros.
Major part of demand is imported
In 2021, machine tools (including parts and services) worth 5.39 billion euros (up 11 percent from the previous year) were imported. Thus, a large part of the U.S. demand for machine tools was met by imports from abroad. The German share of all US imports was approximately 18 percent in 2021.